tiistai, kesäkuu 7, 2011, 22:36
Valmistautumista Valtuuston palveluverkkoseminaariin. Samalla reissulla Soten-yt kokous. Huomenna alkaa kahden pävän panostus palveluverkon tarkkaan tarkasteluun. Nautitaan kesästä ja sen suloisista hetkistä aina kun mahdollista.

Ihmisten välillä ei ole suuria eroja,
mutta ne pienet erot ratkaisevatkin kaiken.
Kysymys on siitä, onko ihmisen asenne
negatiivinen vai positiivinen.

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tiistai, kesäkuu 7, 2011, 12:06
Project proposal to mainstream gender eguality issues al all levels within Mbabane.
Gender Eguality in Local Governance, North-South Local Governent
Ulkoministeriön tukema Pohjoisen ja etelän kuntien yhteistyöhanke.
To meinstream gender eguality issues by promoting egual participation opportunities for everyone within Mbabane including the policy making level, promote the rights and the status of girls and women , and promote the rights of the groups that are easily marginalized particularly those of children, the elderly, the disabled , indigenous people etc.
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tiistai, kesäkuu 7, 2011, 11:56
Save the Children

Our Vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Our Mission is to inspire breaktroughs in the way the world treats children , and to achive immediate and lasting changes in teir lives.

Accountability: we take responsibility for using our resources efficiently , achieving measureable seults, and being accountable to supporters, partners and most of al , children.
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tiistai, kesäkuu 7, 2011, 11:44
I`am one man woman

"Failure in life is not when you fall; Failure is when you choose to stay down. I have had down monuments but I chose to turn that around with respect and walue for my life, I`ve lived up to my dream. Today , I`m a mother, a business woman , and wife. I love and cherish my huspand. To keep him safe...? I stick to only him and he sticks to only me. I`m a one man woman"


onelove campain in Swaziland

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tiistai, kesäkuu 7, 2011, 11:36
Scale of need in Sub-Saharan Africa

Over 24.5 million people are currently living with HIV / AIDS.
Of the 2 million AIDS related deaths every year , most people die without acces to adeguate care and pain controll. UNAIDS


The insidence of canser is rapidly rising with over 500 000 nev cases every year.
By 2020, this figure could exceed 800 000.
Most people with canser seek medical attention too late for corative treatment. IARC

Edellinen Swasimaan Afrikasta ja seurava Salon Toijasta
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